se bhinn example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest से भिन्न se bhinn news and headlines :
1. जब स्वार्थ और वासना के दायरे से उठकर आत्मा का अनंत विस्तार हो जाता है तो अपने से भिन्न कुछ लगता ही नहीं jagran.com2. झारखंड के देवघर जिला स्थित वैद्यनाथ धाम सभी द्वादश ज्यातिर्लिंगों से भिन्न हैibnlive.comUsage and Example of se bhinn 1. एक व्यक्ति की व्याख्या दूसरे से भिन्न हो सकती है। 2. इस संसार में, जीवों की करोड़ों विभिन्न प्रजातियाँ हैं जो कई तरह से भिन्न हैं। 3. इन्हीं शक्तियों ने हमें कई तरह से समान और कई अन्य तरह से भिन्न बनाया है।

Given are the examples of hindi word se bhinn usage in english sentences. The examples of se bhinn are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., unlike.

But unlike Nehru, he got himself elected president for life.

The plants also use electrical-chemical means to convey this information from cell to cell, but unlike in animals, there is no specialised tissue in plants for the conduction of information.
Remember that ordinary women and men painted as well – on pots, walls, floors, cloth – works of art that have occasionally survived, unlike the miniatures that were carefully preserved in palaces for centuries.
This was unlike the boys who used the streets as a place to stand around idling, to play, to try out tricks with their bicycles.
And unlike grain and cattle, they are neither of everyday use.
But unlike India, a large number of 'whites' had settled in South Africa and became the local rulers.
This phenomenon becomes possible because capital goods, unlike non-durable consumer goods, do not get immediately exhausted with their use – they add to the stock of capital in quantitative terms.
Observe that unlike the expenditure on intermediate goods which is not included in the calculation of GDP, expenditure on investments is included.
This was unlike France where, during the French Revolution in Brittany, peasants respected nobles and fought for them.
Ramesh says his visitor talks a lot, unlike Mr Nath who hardly speaks.
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